The Counseling and Testing Section is anchored on the philosophy that each individual is unique, important, and capable of making decisions. The student is assisted in cultivating and developing their potentials that will rebound to personal growth and development and contribute to the welfare of his/her society.
Counseling is considered as the heart and core of the Guidance program.
The specific objectives are as follows:
(a) to help students clarify issues, gain insight into their feelings and thoughts and deal effectively with problems;
(b) to provide students with scientific and objective assessment of their abilities, potentials, weaknesses, and personality traits relevant to personality development and better adjustment in life;
(c) to assist students acquire decision-making skills and become self-directed individuals;
(d) to improve personal effectiveness, which is closely related to the preservation of good mental health and securing desirable behavioral changes and;
(e) to give needed professional assistance to assist students adjust to University life.
The counseling and Testing Section (CTS) offers services and activities that would facilitate the student’s maximum growth and positive development by helping them to acquire competencies geared towards their academic development, personal-social development, and career development. These may be done through the following activities or programs:
This is a type of talking therapy that allows a person to talk about their problems and feelings in a confidential and dependable environment. It is conducted to a person or group of students whether self-referred or referred by others, and they are accommodated either as scheduled or as they walk-in.
Psychological Testing
This is to administer, score, and interpret psychological test results of individual and, or group of students and personnel for the purpose of assessing their personality, career, and mental characteristics. This will also serve as a springboard for counseling.
1. Student Needs/ Personality Test – All students are required to take a student needs inventory/ problem checklist and, or personality test, which identify the needs, concerns, and personality traits of the student. It is one of the instruments to assist the student in knowing their concerns while in the campus as well as their personality characteristics.
2. Students Applying to Shift to another Degree Program – students who are shifting to another degree program or, are applying for re-admission due to academic delinquency or AWOL are required to take the mental ability test, aptitude test, interest test, and personality test. The results will be used as a springboard for counseling and planning.
Career Development Program
1. Jobs Fair Program – an activity for the graduating students of the University to equip them with skills in landing or finding a good job through the Pre-Employment Seminar/Workshop. Moreover, it also introduces the students to prospective employers through campus recruitment or company orientation activities. It includes actual interviews and receiving of resumes from participating companies firing potential employees.
2. Placement Activities – in coordination with various companies, manpower pooling or direct hiring is conducted by potential employers. Recruitment paraphernalia such as flyers, posters, brochures, etc. are coursed through the CTS for posting and distribution.
Psycho-Social Development Program
First year students are invited to attend and register for small group sessions which is scheduled by a facilitator in the first semester. This is to facilitate the interpersonal relationships among students, how to adjust to school works, teaching methodology of their teachers and the culture itself of the University. It also develop small groups where the students themselves, maybe able to facilitate, monitor, and provide emotional and social support to each other.
Information Service
This will provide information concerning personal, social, educational, and occupational or career including job vacancies. First year students are gathered in a venue for orientation program with the assistance of the University and College Student Council Officers.
Individual Inventory Service
Where data are accumulated about each student which are kept while the student is still in school. It aims to gather background information sheet, psychological test results, certificate of good moral character, counseling report, exit interview report, high school data, etc.
Individual In-take Interview
First year students are required to report to the office for an individual in-take interview in the second semester for their first year in the University. They will be schedules accordingly by their respective assigned facilitators. The purpose of which is to make a follow-up gather in-depth information, interpret their test results and possible counseling, particularly on adjustment difficulties.
Re-admission Evaluation
Interview conducted to students undergoing the re-admission process to facilitate their assessment, understanding, and awareness of the reasons of academic difficulties/deficiencies that led to scholastic delinquency status. The data gathered are collated into a comprehensive report and will be used to initiate appropriate recommendations to the Re-admission Committee of the college and, or to the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA). A follow-up is then made to monitor the student’s study plan.
Exit Interview
Conducted to students leaving the university due to dismissal, transfer, or graduation. It is designed to find out their insights regarding their academic and personal life in the university, as well as provide feedback on how they were assisted by the academic and student services offered by the institution. This will provide basis on improvements that may be implemented on the said services.
Placement and Follow-up
This process, students wanting to shift to another course, and student leaving the university whether due to graduation, transfer, or dismissal. Data are gathered through exit interview so that an evaluation or assessment could be made and later used as a basis for counseling, recommendation for re-admission or shifting, and/or improvement of university services.
A referral is a means to connect to various entities in the city with well-defined and delineated mandates, responsibilities and powers into a network of cooperation, with the overall aim of ensuring the protection and assistance of a person to be referred and to aid as well in their full recovery and empowerment.
Assoc. Prof. Maria Stella R. Salazar
Director, Office of Student Affairs
University of the Philippines Mindanao
Cell #: +63 82 293 1353