UP Mindanao Sportsfest participants treated to Family Day and Victory Party

UP Mindanao Sportsfest participants treated to Family Day and Victory Party

UP Mindanao personnel who served as athletes in the recent Inter-Agency Sportsfest and brought the championship to UP Mindanao for the second straight year were honored with a Family Day and Victory Party on November 6, 2024, at the Administration Building Atrium.

The Women’s Basketball Team

The Volleyball Team

Winners and other placers received plaques and tokens from Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao, Vice-Chancellor for Administration Leo Manuel Estaña, and Human Resource Development Office Chief Lynda Buenaobra. The support groups, namely the Inter-Agency Executive Committee, which scheduled the games, and UP Mindanao security, transport, food, and public relations committees, were also recognized.

The Internal Organizing Committee

HR Chief Buenaobra said the Victory Party was also an occasion to thank the personnel who cheered and gave morale support to the players. VC Estaña, in his message, encouraged the assembled personnel to continue the team trainings they started by using the allotted Civil Service time for wellness. Chancellor Murao, for her part, enjoined the assembly to get acquainted with one another as there are many new people among the UP Mindanao personnel. She then challenged them to aim for a three-peat of the championship in the coming year.

The other awardees are portrayed below. 

The Frisbee Team

The Mobile Legends Team

The Lato-Lato Players

The Speed Dating Representative

The TikTok Team

The Badminton Teams

The Walkathon Athlete Prof. Stella Salazar

HRDO Chief Lynda Buenaobra

The Chess Player Roberto Cardinal

The Flag-Raising Champion Prof. Lyre Murao

The Agipo Drum Beaters

The Publicity Team 

The Security and Transport Team