UPLB IABE Director Luyun offers Agri and Biosystems Engineering for UPMin

UPLB IABE Director Luyun offers Agri and Biosystems Engineering for UPMin

A high-level team from the UP Los Banos College of Engineering and Agricultural Technology gave an assurance to UP Mindanao Chancellor Lyre Anni Murao to help establish its engineering programs at UP Mindanao in a courtesy visit on November 18, 2024.

Prof. Roger Luyun Jr., director of the UPLB Institute of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (IABE), said they are willing to help open and establish the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering academic program at UP Mindanao.

“Since the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (IABE) is our offering, we plan to open these in UP Visayas and UP Mindanao,” he said.

“We can be your partners in this plan,” said Chancellor Murao, who was joined by VC for Academic Affairs Annabelle Novero and Asst. Prof. Maynard Usares.

Luyun was accompanied by Prof. Arthur Fajardo, IABE academic affairs coordinator and director of the Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC), and his division heads, Omar Zubia, Maurice Duka, and Patrick Relativo.

The Department of Engineering Sciences was led by its department chairperson, Asst. Prof. Christian Vaso reported having a new program in Materials Engineering recently approved by the Board of Regents. He introduced his team members from materials engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, agricultural and biosystems engineering, and chemical engineering.

The photo above shows (seated, left-right) Asst. Prof. Maynard Usares, VCAA Annabelle Novero, Chancellor Lyre Murao, Prof. Roger Luyun, Prof. Arthur Fajardo, and Asst. Prof. Christian Vaso, with the other UPLB team members behind.