Administrative staff engage in a personal encounter exercise

Administrative staff engage in a personal encounter exercise

At the February 10, 2025, Flag Ceremony, UP Mindanao personnel engaged one another in an exercise that proved personally satisfying to everyone. It being the Office of the University Registrar’s turn to host and facilitate the weekly ceremony, Professor and University Registrar Karen Joyce Cayamanda turned over the facilitation to Registrar Cynthia Buquia. Instead of a traditional inspirational talk, Ms. Buquia introduced an activity she called “Thank You, I’m Sorry.” The personnel formed two concentric circles, each person facing an individual. Ms. Buquia instructed each to say “Thank you,” to the individual before them, for some thing, or “I’m sorry,” where applicable. The circle moved clockwise, each person them encountering another individual.

With some variations in the movements, each person encountered a number of other individuals throughout the group exercise.

The exercise proved to be a stimulating experience for everyone.

The exercise produced candid and earnest expressions.

Registrar Ms. Cynthia Buquia facilitated the exercise.
