The Development Academy of the Philippines’ (DAP) Jean Marie Torreon and Rose Ann Pamilar conducted the 2024 Citizen Satisfaction Survey (CitSat) at UP Mindanao on October 30, 2024, from 8 AM to 5 PM. The survey is part of the Government Quality Management Program, which aims to gather feedback on frontline services to inform service quality improvements aligned with national development goals. DAP deployed enumerators Torreon and Pamilar to conduct face-to-face interviews with randomly selected citizens, with plans to extend the interviews to another day if needed. Fortunately, the DAP team deemed one day sufficient to meet their goals.
The DAP team was received by Vice-Chancellor for Administration Leo Manuel Estana and briefed by the Quality Assurance Office director, Associate Professor Ritchie Mae Gamot, and the staff.
The DAP team confer with passing students.
Vice-Chancellor for Administration Leo Estana and Quality Assurance Director Ritchie Mae Gamot (fourth and fifth from left) with the DAP and QA team.