Welcome to UP Mindanao innovation! Our university is a hub of creativity and problem-solving, where students and faculty work together to generate groundbreaking ideas and technologies that have the potential to transform society. We foster an environment that nurtures creativity, collaboration, and entrepreneurship, and provide state-of-the-art research facilities, a vibrant startup ecosystem, and strong industry partnerships. Join us on this exciting journey of discovery and innovation!

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The DOST-Higher Education Institution Readiness for Innovation and Technopreneurship Program approved the UP Mindanao proposal, “Establishment of the Technology Business Incubation in UP Mindanao,” which is named UP Growing And Developing Enterprises (UPGrADE). The focus of UPGrADE is on assisting aspiring entrepreneurs with information and communication technology applications or innovative business ideas that center on food products and food systems.

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In 2020, the Technology Transfer and Business Development Office (TTBDO) gave its incubatees training, seminars and workshops on the following topics:

     • Start-ups amidst the pandemic

     • Intellectual property rights

     • Branding and social media

     • Technopreneurship

     • Design thinking

     • Technology readiness assessment

     • Customer discovery