No student shall be denied admission to the University System by reason of age, sex, nationality, religious belief or political affiliation.
Every applicant for admission shall undergo a thorough health examination. No person shall be admitted to this University if he is found by the University Health Service to be suffering from a dangerous, communicable or infectious disease or is physically unfit to take courses in any college of the University.
Every student shall, upon admission, sign the following pledge: “In consideration of my admission to the University of the Philippines in Mindanao and of the privileges of a student in this institution, I hereby promise and pledge to abide by and comply with all the rules and regulations laid down by competent authority in the University and in the college or school in which I am enrolled.” Refusal to take this pledge or violation of its terms shall be sufficient cause for summary dismissal or denial of admission.
No person who has not duly matriculated may be admitted to the classes. In exceptional cases, the University Registrar may, on the recommendation of the Dean concerned, authorize the admission of a visitor to a class for not more than five sessions.
Learn more about University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT)
Rejoining students (those not enrolled during the immediately preceding semester, excluding summer session and who did not obtain clearance from the University) should first secure written permission from the college where they were last enrolled. They would then proceed to the University Health Service for a physical and medical examination before registering in their respective colleges.
Former students who secured clearance from the University must reapply for admission at the Office of the University Registrar. Students who have attended another institution since attending the University of the Philippines must qualify on the same basis as new transfer students.
Deferment of Enrollment
A qualified freshman applicant who, for a valid reason, cannot enroll during the semester originally applied for, may apply for deferment of enrollment to the succeeding semester by writing to the University Registrar. Such applicant must not have taken any college academic subject prior to enrollment. The maximum period allowed by the University for deferment of enrollment is one year.
Transfer for other Universities and Colleges
A student with previous college work wishing to transfer to the University must satisfy University rules indicated below on admission of transfer students. There is no entrance test administered for transfer applicants.
A transfer applicant may be admitted provided that:
1. They earned at least 33 academic units with a general weighted average of 2.0 or better for all the collegiate academic units they had taken outside the University;
2. They will have to complete in the University not less than 50 percent of the units required for his program and 75 percent if running with honors;
3. The quota set by the Dean of the college concerned has not been filled up.
Every new transfer applicant should submit the following requirements at least one month prior to registration:
1. An official copy of grades or transcript of records from each college attended for evaluation, regardless of their intention to validate their advanced credits;
2. An accomplished application form (UPMin Form 3);
3. Two passport-size photographs;
4. Letter of intent for transfer and certificate of good moral
If qualified, they should submit an official copy of transcript of records, certificate of honorable dismissal and birth certificate before the admission slip can be issued. If credentials submitted are confirmed to be spurious, admission will be revoked.
Validation of Advanced Credits
An admitted undergraduate transfer student must validate all subjects he is offering for advanced credits at the rate of at least 18 units a semester from the date of his admission. His admission will be on a probationary basis until he shall have validated or repeated, in accordance with this rule on validation of courses, all subjects taken outside UP which are required for his program. The student. will not be allowed to enroll in a subject the prerequisites of which; taken elsewhere, have not. yet been validated, or repeated, as the case may be.
Application for advanced credit should ‘be made on the prescribed form to the Dean of the college where he has been admitted. Validating tests begin two weeks before the first day of registration at the opening of each semester and end one week after the last day of registration. There is no fee for validating’ tests during this period. A validating test may be held outside of this period with the consent of the department and approval of the Dean and upon payment of a required fee per subject.
A student transferring from any recognized institution who possesses an Associate in Arts or its equivalent of 66 units of work may be enrolled without validation. Before a student is allowed to major in any discipline, however, the major discipline may prescribe additional courses up to 18 units of general education courses and/ or preparatory courses for the major.
The grant of advanced credits for courses which are completed in other institutions, but which have no equivalent in this University, shall be left to the faculty of the unit concerned.
Advanced standing may also be granted by the University Registrar to students who graduated from an institution recognized by the University Council for subjects listed in the course or courses duly recognized. Advanced credit for work constituting only part of courses recognized by the Council shall be awarded by the department or division concerned in accordance with the above provisions on application for advanced credits.
Transfer Within UP in Mindanao (Shifting)
A student who has earned at least 30 collegiate academic units and wishes to transfer from one college to another should file at his current college an application for transfer. His application is referred to the accepting college together with his true copy of grades. If the action of the accepting college is favorable, the student gets a college clearance which he presents to the accepting college together with the permit to transfer and the true copy of grades.
Transfer Within UP Constituent Units
Students from another constituent university, who have earned at least 30 collegiate academic units, may be admitted as transfer students subject to the rules of the admitting college.
Non-Degree Students
A degree holder or undergraduate student who is not currently enrolled in any other institution of higher learning may be allowed to take credit courses on the graduate and/or undergraduate level, respectively, provided that this student satisfies the appropriate requirements for admission to the University. He shall not be allowed to enroll for more than one semester, except by special permission of the Dean of the college concerned and the University Registrar.
Since he does not follow any organized program of study, a non-degree student is not a prospective candidate for graduation for any degree in the University.
Special Students
A mature student, even if he does not fully satisfy the entrance requirements, may be admitted as a special student and may enroll for such subjects which, in the opinion of the instructor and the Dean, he has the necessary information and ability to pursue profitably. He shall not be allowed to enroll for more than 9 units a semester or to register for more than two years, except by special permission of the Dean. Subjects taken shall be non-credit although his work may be reported at the end of each semester as “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory”.
For admission procedures, see subsection on Cross-Registration.