The SOAS is charged with the coordination of activities, projects, and programs of Student Organizations. It processes official recognition papers of all UP Mindanao student organizations and conducts a yearly assessment of their activities. The SOAS extends assistance in the conduct of the annual election of officers of the University Student Council in coordination with other units in the University.

It is responsible for the planning, or coordination, and/or implementation, as well as assistance to programs and activities of and for the students such as the University Convocation for Freshmen; Freshmen Night/Torch Night, Recognition Ceremony for Student Organizations, Campus Leadership Training, relevant workshops and trainings (e.g. Constitution and By-laws Formulation; Parliamentary Procedures, Financial Management); participation in city-wide activities (such as Kadayawan and Araw ng Dabaw activities), other University activities (e.g. Kasadya Celebrations: Lantern Parade and Competition, Annual Organizations Fair).

This section is also tasked with facilitating the establishment and maintenance of friendly relations, peaceful coexistence, and cooperation by encouraging the formation of alliances among the different Student Organizations such as but not limited to Alliance of Academic Organizations, Alliance of Athletic Organizations, Alliance of Civic Organizations, Cultural Alliance, Alliance of Varsitarian Organizations, Inter-faith Conference Body and Inter-Fraternity Council, Inter-Sorority Council and others.

Composition of the Recognition Committee:
a. Director for the Office of Student Affairs (Chair)
b. SOAS Coordinator (Vice-Chair)
c. University Student Council Representative
d. Secretary
e. other members deemed necessary

Duties of the Recognition Committee:
1. Processing the recognition papers of Student Organization applicants;
2. Processing renewal papers of recognized organizations;
3. Evaluating the merits, achievements and/or awards of recognized organizations for the previous academic year;
4. Monitoring student organizations and their activities;
5. The encouragement and promotion of activities reflective of positive values, Filipino Culture, and Nationalism and Patriotism;
6. Conducting consultation sessions with student organizations.



A. Any student group, which would want to organize themselves as a recognized constituent in the University and use the facilities of the University of the Philippines Mindanao must apply for or renew their recognition every academic year with the OFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS (OSA). No student organization shall be allowed to function/operate, or use the facilities of the University without such recognition.


B. Application for renewal or recognition shall be done annually. The period for application shall be the first ten (10) days from the start of classes every academic year.


C. The application for renewal or recognition must be made in the form of a letter addressed to the Director for Student Affairs. That said letter must be duly signed by the head of the organization and recommended for approval by the faculty adviser.


D. The following documents must be attached to the application:
            1. Duly accomplished and notarized Forms A, B, C (for fraternities and sororities) and D (1 original per form).
            2. Student organizations must submit an updated roster for all officers and members for the current academic year. The roster should include all of the following information: (2 copies) Full names with corresponding position, student number, course and your level, present and permanent address, their contact details, i.e., mobile numbers and email addresses. Important note: An applying organization must have a minimum of ten (10) members excluding the officers otherwise they are disqualified to apply.
            3. Recent ID pictures of all officers pasted in a bond paper with their corresponding organization positions (1 copy).

            4. Photocopies of UP Form 5 of all members. They must bear the “registered” status of the student for the semester enrolled (1 copy).
            5. Narrative reports of projects or activities (chronologically arranged) undertaken during the immediate academic year, including awards or recognition received. This report should be accompanied by proofs (documents, pictures, certification by the adviser, etc.), (2 copies of narrative report).
            6. Copy of the Constitution and By-laws, approval of which is to be tested by the current President and Secretary and noted by the faculty adviser (1 copy).
            7. Duly approved amendments to their Constitution and By-laws (For those applying for renewal; 1 copy).
            8. Plan of Activities for the year, with tentative schedules (2 copies).
            9. Copy of grades of officers in the previous semester with computed GWA and duly certified by the SRE of the college concerned. Officers should have a GWA of at least 3.0 (1 copy each).
           10. Specimen signature of all officers (1 original copy).


E. Any change in the above information must be reported within one (1) week to the SOAS-OSA. Failure to comply with the requirements, or the submission of false information, she’ll make the officers of the fraternity, sorority or student organization liable under Rule 1, Section 1 (Letter F) of the Amended Rules and Regulations Governing Fraternity and other Student Organization-Related Incidents.



F. Organizations granted recognition on a probationary basis during the previous school year must to show proof of growth in terms of activities, expansion in membership and organizational stability. Otherwise, their application for renewal will be denied.

G. After submitting the required documents to the OSA, the head of the organization and/or representatives shall be scheduled for interview by the Recognition Committee.

H. Organizations whose application for recognition is approved shall be given Certificate of Recognition for one academic year.

I. Organizations which are not officially recognized shall not be allowed the use of any college/university facilities (classrooms, AVR, atrium, equipment, bulletin boards) and shall not be favorably endorsed by OSA to rent or utilize “tambayans” and/or office space, whenever available.

J. Any material for posting (posters, streamers, tarpaulins, etc.) should bear the approval of OSA otherwise it will be removed without notice. Permission from persons in-charge (e.g. building administrators or the Vice-Chancellor of Administration) should also be sought if organizations need to place decorations in pathwalks, room/s, building, or atrium. Materials for posting should be the responsibility of the organization (e.g. adhesive tape, tie-box, thumbtacks, pushpins,etc.). The use of double adhesive, “rugby”, paint, stick glue, or any adhesive material that will leave a permanent mark or might deface the wall/board is prohibited.

K. Organizations are responsible for the removal of posters, streamers, decorations right after the activity. Failure to do so will result in reminders/admonition, or written notice.

L. Members of organizations which are suspended may be asked to do community services, tutorials, and other activities under the supervision of OSA, in order to improve their status.

1. Application forms are available at the Student Affairs Office at the start of the regular registration.

2. The deadline for submission of requirements will be fifteen (15) days from the first day of classes without extension. Only those (organizations) with complete requirements will be accepted and scheduled for interview.

3. Submission of complete documents, interview, and attendance of the organization heads or representatives to the orientation and recognition rites will constitute the requirements for the recognition of the student organization.

4. Release of the results will be during the recognition rites. A printed notice of results will be posted on bulletin boards within three (3) days after the recognition rites.

5. Organizations recognized during the preceding year would need only to apply for renewal of their recognition. If they fail to apply for renewal during the first semester of the school year, they may apply on the second semester.

6. Newly formed organizations seeking recognition for the first time should be accepted only during the first semester of the school year. It must have a minimum of fifteen (15) members excluding officers, and must submit a copy of their Constitution and By-laws together with the other requirements as stated in #4 of these guidelines.

7. At the start of the second semester, all recognized organizations will have to update their records and submit necessary reports (i.e. narrative report of major activities for the whole semester and financial report) to be considered an active organization. Otherwise, non-compliance of the said requirements will prevent them for using the University facilities or they will be considered an inactive organization. Deadline for submission will be two weeks after the last day of registration.

1. Permission should be sought five (5) days before the activity by writing a letter addressed to the OSA Director or filling a form (Student Organization Activity Request Form-revised) stating the name of the activity, purpose/objective, venue and time, and duly signed by the faculty adviser or co-adviser.

2. If approved, the form should be presented to the person in-charge of venue (OCAd/Dean/Building Administrator, etc.) for permission to allow the organization the use of the room/atrium/LH/AVR/Kalimudan, etc.

3. Requests for venue and equipment/facilities should be done three (3) days before the activity. Immediately after the activity, all borrowed equipment should be returned. Damaged or lost borrowed equipment will be charged against the organization.

4. Meetings — permit for venues must be secured from the respective in-charge of the building/room/area.

5. Recruitment — prospective members must be given freedom to identify and choose the organization congruent to their interest and needs. Hence, there must be no coercion, harassment, stalking, or any use of force in the recruitment process of any organization.

6. In-Campus Activities/Night Activities
The following documents are required:
        a. letter of request/permission form
        b. list of participants
        c. written confirmation of attendance of adviser or co-adviser or any faculty or staff in charge of the activity as designated by the advisor with conforme of the said faculty or staff (form provided by OSA).
        d. approved permit from OSA (Stud Org. Act. Form)
        e. approval of venue and use of facilities
        f. other requirements deemed necessary

        g. off-campus activities/beach parties/excursion/picnics/field trips


These have to be submitted three (3) days before the activity. Daytime activities must be supervised by the adviser/s. However, the presence of the adviser is required if it is a night activity even though it is inside the campus.
The following documents are required:
         1. letter of request/permission form
         2. list of participants
         3. certification of group insurance
         4. duly signed parents/guardian(s) consent/waiver
         5. approved permit from OSA (Stud Org. Act. Form)
         6. written confirmation of attendance of adviser, co-adviser or any faculty or staff in charge of the activity as designated by the adviser with conforme of the said faculty or staff (form provided by OSA).
         7. other requirements deemed necessary
These have to be submitted three (3) days before the activity. Daytime activities must be supervised by the adviser/s. Moreover, the presence of the adviser is required if it is a night activity.

Any organization wishing to undertake any project in school or planning to donate and equipment to UP Mindanao must inform (SOAS-OSA) by furnishing the Office with a copy of intended project and/or donations.

The following are the needed information:

          1. Purpose of the fundraising activity.
          2. A statement of projected expenses, which includes prizes, amount of tickets and sample ticket, and the proposed use of income.
          3. A recommendation letter endorsing the fundraising from the adviser.

The following qualifications shall serve as basis for the selection of the faculty adviser/co-adviser:
1. The adviser must be a full-time faculty member of the University and have been with the University for at least one (1) year. Advisorship of a part-time faculty members may be allowed on a case-to-case basis.
2. The co-adviser may be a non-teaching staff or new faculty, but virtue of his/her special knowledge and expertise in the field of interest of a student organization.
3. He/she should be an adviser/co-adviser of more than two (2) student organizations at any given time.
4. For academic organizations, he/she must be concerned with the particular academic department the organization belongs to. The Dean of the respective college shall approve the advisorship.

Organizations should submit individual report per activity one week after the activity is conducted.
The report should include the following:
     a. nature/descriptions of activity
     b. purpose of the activity
     c. beneficiaries
     d. exact date, venue, and type of involvement
     e. Semestral Report stating the following:
          1. Financial statement for the previous semester
          2. Highlights of major activities undertaken during the semester


1. An organization shall be suspended by the SOAS-OSA if it commits any act which is ground for suspension of any prohibited activity.
2. The suspension will be heavier depending on the degree of violation committed.
3. Any organization found guilty of two very serious offenses shall be denied recognition by the University.

1. Drug using and pushing
Very serious
Two years or more
2. Hazing/Inhuman Acts of Initiation
Very serious
Two years or more
3. Initiating and participating in rumbles
One year or more
4. Involvement in robberies
One year or more
5. Involvement in vandalism
One year or more
6. Holding of Activities without adviser’s presence
Slight offense
Two weeks or one month
7. Non-compliance with SOAS rules on Organization Activities & procedures
Slight offense
Two weeks or one month

Criteria for Evaluation of Student Organizations


1. Conducting nationwide, region-wide, city-wide or local community activities.
2. Conducting University-wide activities, programs, projects and community service.
3. Participating in nationwide, region-wide or citywide activities or local community activities.
4. Participating in University-wide activities, programs, projects and community service.
5. Conducting minor activities of the organization.
6. Adherence to University rules, regulations, & guideline and compliance with all SOAS requirements.
7. Donations to UP Mindanao (optional)

Highest number of points that can be garnered:


* Please refer to the details of the indicators/criteria found below.

** Points per indicator/criteria is subject to “a range of merited activities.”


1. Conducting nationwide, region wide, citywide or local community activities. Includes being the major organizer of nationwide/citywide/region-wide or local community activities, and conducting medium to large-scale community outreach programs. Also included in this category is an organization’s conduct of a medium-to-large-scale “income generating projects“ (IGPs) which would access a large base of customers.

2. Conducting University-wide activities, programs, projects and community service. Includes being the major organizer of University-wide activities which may mean activities that will involve University-wide the recipients (all colleges), audience, or participants.

Small scale community outreach activities (i.e., selected recipients with a one-shot program and the like) will also be counted in this category, as well as the conduct of small-scale “income-generating projects” (IGPs) which access a small to medium customer base.

3. Participating in nationwide, region-wide or citywide activities or local community activities. Includes an organization’s participation in a nationwide/region-wide/citywide or local community large-scale activities as a support group or manpower (e.g Kadayawan, Araw ng Dabaw, TV networks donation campaign or drive, assistance during Mintal/Bago Oshiro Day).

4. Participating in University-wide activities, programs, projects and community service. Includes being involved in University-wide activities through participation and sponsorship of University activities (e.g. DULA, Kasadya, UPMin Foundation) as well as that of USC programs and activities (e.g. Freshmen Night, Tatak UPMin, Orgs Fair) as support group or manpower.

5. Conducting minor activities of the organization such as assemblies, acquaintances, fellowships, Bible studies, teambuilding activities, workshops or trainings which involves only their own members or small-scale audience or recipients such as the college or department they belong to.

6. Adherence to University rules, regulations, and guidelines, and compliance with all SOAS requirements including activity reports, permits for each activity conducted, semestral reports, and others.

It will also include adherence/compliance to official consultations/meetings/conferences called by the University officials (Chancellor, VCs and Deans), OSA Director or other pertinent personnel of the University (e.g. College Business Manager, Information Officer, etc.).

7. Donations to UP Mindanao (optional).



Only accredited/merited activities of a student organization shall be included during the evaluation. The merited activity/ies shall be based on the record of fully processed documents with the duly approved Student Organization Activity Form (permit) assessed vis-à-vis the organization report with attached proof of conduct (e.g. photos, registration sheet, certificates, etc.).


Sherelyn A. Evangelio
SOAS Coordinator
Office of Student Affairs University of the Philippines Mindanao

Cell #: +63 82 293 1353
