Our Vision
An internationally competitive graduate, research, and public service university in Mindanao, leading in the study of arts and cultures and sustainable agri- and biosystems. 2021
Our Mission
We aim to provide distinctive interdisciplinary education, research and development, and public engagement that are responsive and relevant to the diverse sectors in Mindanao and sustains the cultural and biological diversity through innovative sustainable systems and innovations. 2021
Molding Learners Into Leaders
UP Mindanao, being a research and public service university, is called to use its intellectual resources not only to engage in knowledge creation (Strategic Priority 3) but also in value creation through various forms of public service (Strategic Priority 4) that will help Mindanao and the nation achieve sustainable development. 2021
Transforming Insights Into Impacts
UP Mindanao, being a research and public service university, is called to use its intellectual resources not only to engage in knowledge creation (Strategic Priority 3) but also in value creation through various forms of public service (Strategic Priority 4) that will help Mindanao and the nation achieve sustainable development.
Building a Campus Into a Community
UP Mindanao is an academic entity at the same time a community of a group of people (Strategic Priorities 5 and 6) working within a particular place (Strategic Priority 7) that is governed by processes (Strategic Priority 8). These are the three Ps that make possible the activities that support the vision, mission, and goals of the university found at the core.